Eohio Net Inc.
42111 Upper Clearfork Rd.
Cadiz, Ohio 43907
(740) 942-4484
(888) 694-3638
If you would like to join Eohio.Net,
please fill out this form and someone will be in contact with you,
or call and we can sign you up over the phone.
Your account has the option of having E-Z Blaster Web Accelerator. The E-Z Blaster web accelerator software speeds up your internet connection from 3 to 12 times normal speed. It speeds up your e-mail download speed, by up to 35 times! Most users will find that their web surfing experience is significantly enhanced by the addition of this software to their PC. If you access the Internet using a dial up connection at home or on the road, this is where the product truly shines.
You can check for local access exchanges to see if your exchange is covered. If you need access outside the Eohio.net local area, then check our access numbers to see if we have access for you at home or traveling
